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Localizing iOS app with SwiftGen

I came with my app development to a stage where I’m about to inform user about various things happening behind the scenes. This means that I have to present messages like: estimating current location, fetching weather forecast, etc. somewhere in the user interface. And this is the…


Creating custom control in Swift

I spent last two evenings working on my app’s main screen. Again, Xcode was driving me crazy with random bugs that efficiently slowed me down ;) I needed to add an action by ctrl dragging element from storyboard to ViewController class. As I already…


Calculating sunrise and sunset hours in Swift

After two days of struggle I came up with my application screen showing this :) There’s sunrise time in the first label and sunset time in the second. At least now I can see the pros of having emoji here :). Calculating these two is crucial for…


Apples taken with a grain of salt

The weather outside is just too good to stay at home and code and yesterday was April Fool’s Day. So I decided that today’s post is going to be lightweight and not so serious. I’m going to make fun of Apple. A little bit ;) There’s…


Damn, it’s hard…

It’s hard to get used to the new IDE, new shortcuts, new programming language and the new OS at the same time. I feel like a kid who got lost in the woods. And it’s getting dark! Stay calm, don’t panic and try to…


Trying to make friends with Swift

I finally managed to upgrade my mac to Sierra and was able to install the new version of Xcode. Hip, hip, hooray! I can go on now with the next chapters of my favourite App Development with Swift :) It’s worth to mention that the book is…


You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs…

Things got a little complicated today. I bet you know the feeling when simple tasks escalate in time consuming issues, just like that, out of the blue. You try to find the solution, you find the solution, you follow the steps necessary to resolve…


Swift for dummies

Swift is a relatively new programming language (introduced in 2014) developed by Apple for iOS and macOS. It was designed as an alternative for Objective-C: simpler syntax, no pointers and dot-notation style, which makes it a more friendly language to learn for people like me,…


Getting to know my mac better

As I have already mentioned in my previous post, I’m rather an unexperienced mac user. I own MacBook Air 11, which was necessary to build my iOS project while I was working with xamarin forms. What I like about my mac is its compact…

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