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My Magic Hours project – what’s up next

This is my 20th post filed under get noticed tag, which means that I have reached the contest’s finish line :) Hip hip hooray! So I’ve made a short movie on this occasion, showing what my app can do at the moment. I have to warn you,…


Who doesn’t like hamburgers? ;)

A hamburger menu or a pancake menu is a button usually placed in a top corner of a mobile app. The name comes from button’s icon which takes form of three horizontal lines ☰ resembling the layers of a hamburger or a pile of pancakes. I love both ;)…


A few thoughts on designing iOS layout

There was a slight change in concept of how I want my magic hours app main screen to look, comparing to what I’ve presented in my previous post. I’ve decided that timeline control would be, maybe, more suitable. So I had to finally deal with proper…


Localizing iOS app with SwiftGen

I came with my app development to a stage where I’m about to inform user about various things happening behind the scenes. This means that I have to present messages like: estimating current location, fetching weather forecast, etc. somewhere in the user interface. And this is the…


Fetching weather forecast in Swift

Yesterday I got really excited :) I’m talking about a feeling when you’re dealing with something which is still new for you, but at the same time you begin to understand how things are organised and what should be done to achieve the goal. I felt…


Getting off the beaten track

Every software developer has a set of programming habits that he or she has built over time. I’m talking about naming convention, code formatting rules, favourite language structures, design patterns, etc. Show me the code and I’ll tell you who of my work colleagues is…


Creating custom control in Swift

I spent last two evenings working on my app’s main screen. Again, Xcode was driving me crazy with random bugs that efficiently slowed me down ;) I needed to add an action by ctrl dragging element from storyboard to ViewController class. As I already…


Designing Magic hour’s app main screen

Today I focused on designing my application’s main screen. It’s going to be different than in my windows phone project. My previous app’s landing screen was in a form of a dashboard with tiles: Since I’m now able to calculate sunrise and sunset hours without going…


Apples taken with a grain of salt

The weather outside is just too good to stay at home and code and yesterday was April Fool’s Day. So I decided that today’s post is going to be lightweight and not so serious. I’m going to make fun of Apple. A little bit ;) There’s…


Damn, it’s hard…

It’s hard to get used to the new IDE, new shortcuts, new programming language and the new OS at the same time. I feel like a kid who got lost in the woods. And it’s getting dark! Stay calm, don’t panic and try to…


Swift for dummies

Swift is a relatively new programming language (introduced in 2014) developed by Apple for iOS and macOS. It was designed as an alternative for Objective-C: simpler syntax, no pointers and dot-notation style, which makes it a more friendly language to learn for people like me,…


RIP Lumia…

W moim życiu dokonała się w tym tygodniu ogromna zmiana. Po ponad 5 latach pożegnałam się z marką Lumia i przesiadłam na budżetowy model iPhone’a 5c. Ale od początku… Moim pierwszym smartfonem był jakiś chiński badziew na androidzie, kupiony po okazyjnej cenie na allegro. Ani to ładne,…


Prisma – love it!

Parę dni temu rzucił mi się w oczy artykuł na niebezpieczniku, o tym czy rzeczywiście powinniśmy się bać nowego hitu na smartfony. Mowa o aplikacji Prisma, dostępnej na ajfony (od niedawna również na androida), która potrafi przekształcić zdjęcia w małe dzieła sztuki za pomocą sprytnych filtrów…


Dobra zmiana. Xamarin Evolve16.

Właśnie oglądam transmisję z konferencji Xamarin Evolve16. Dobra zmiana? Xamarin. Co to jest? Deliver native iOS, Android, and Windows apps using existing skills, teams, and code. Z technologią zetknęłam się ponad rok temu. Dla mnie oznaczało to wtedy jedno: możliwość tworzenia mobilnych aplikacji na wszystkie…

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