Achievment unlocked czyli jak zostałam MCSD w cztery tygodnie
Proszę mnie od teraz tytułować Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer ;)
Tuples and enums in Swift are cool ;)
In my last entry I did complain a little about some of Swift wonders I have recently discovered, so today I’m going to look at the bright side of Swift, just to keep the balance ;) I’m going to focus on two data structures: tuples…
Trying to make friends with Swift
I finally managed to upgrade my mac to Sierra and was able to install the new version of Xcode. Hip, hip, hooray! I can go on now with the next chapters of my favourite App Development with Swift :) It’s worth to mention that the book is…
Magic hours, my project for „Get noticed” contest
Two weeks ago I wrote a post confirming my willingness to take part in Get noticed contest. At that moment I wasn’t still sure what my project is going to be about. I only knew I wanted to focus on the mobile development. The contest…
Dobra zmiana. Xamarin Evolve16.
Właśnie oglądam transmisję z konferencji Xamarin Evolve16. Dobra zmiana? Xamarin. Co to jest? Deliver native iOS, Android, and Windows apps using existing skills, teams, and code. Z technologią zetknęłam się ponad rok temu. Dla mnie oznaczało to wtedy jedno: możliwość tworzenia mobilnych aplikacji na wszystkie…